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Hydroponic Grow Kit

The Hydroponic Grow Kit, is designed for soilless cultivation of vegetables and flowers. It utilizes nutrient film technology (NFT) to provide plants with a constant supply of nutrient-rich water, allowing for higher yields and more plants in limited spaces.

Key Features:

  1. 36 Holes: The kit includes 36 plant sites, providing ample space for a variety of vegetables and flowers.
  2. 4 Pipes: The system features 4 pipes, which are used to circulate the nutrient solution and provide plants with the necessary nutrients.
  3. Single Layer: The kit is designed as a single layer, making it compact and easy to manage.
  4. Nutrient Film Technology (NFT): The kit utilizes NFT, which involves circulating a nutrient-rich solution through the pipes to provide plants with the necessary nutrients.


  1. Higher Yields: The kit’s NFT system allows for higher yields by providing plants with a constant supply of nutrients.
  2. Maximizing Productivity: The kit’s compact design and single layer make it ideal for maximizing productivity in limited spaces.
  3. Efficient Water Use: The kit recirculates water, reducing overall water consumption compared to traditional soil-based methods.
  4. Reduced Pest and Disease Pressure: Soilless cultivation eliminates many soil-borne pests and diseases, leading to healthier plants.
  5. Year-Round Production: The kit can be set up indoors, allowing for year-round production and higher productivity per square foot.


The Hydroponic Grow Kit,  is a versatile and efficient solution for soilless cultivation of vegetables and flowers. Its NFT system and compact design make it ideal for maximizing productivity in limited spaces, while its efficient water use and reduced pest and disease pressure make it a sustainable choice for growers.

Where can I get one?